Key Benefits of The Community
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Monthly expert-led sessions with leading menopause specialists - Intimate group discussions in our private community space - Live Q&As with healthcare experts - Access to curated resources and implementation guides
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Tent Events
Events typically follow a monthly theme, and are recorded for on demand access, excepting coaching and happy hours. To attend Community Events you must be a member of The Fuchsia Tent community.
Tuesday, 6:00pm
ASK ME ANYTHING: Key Takeaways from SXSW & The World's Hottest Menopause Party
The Fuchsia Tent Community -
Thursday, 1:00 pm ET
Hormonal Balance 201 with Dr. Taniqua Miller
The Fuchsia Tent Community -
Tuesday, 4:30pm
Tired and Wired: The Secret to Sleep in Midlife with Dr. Kat Lederle & MPOWDER
The Fuchsia Tent Community -
Wednesday, 5:30pm
Group Coaching: I think I am in perimenopause. Now what?
The Fuchsia Tent Community